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Simple Joy

I have a special place in my heart for different and unique things, which happens to extend to my reading selections.

Tempted At Midnight (Berkley Sensation) - Jacquie D' Alessandro BOTHERATION!!!!


The ratings led me astray.

I know we all get in a funk sometimes, I look to these wonderful fluffy books to give my mind some time to restore itself after a heavy series and/or read. BUT OH MY! This was definitely not what I was looking for.

The number of time Ms D'Alessandro mentions Emily's damned lips drove me absolutely BONKERS.

About half way through the book I started skimming the inner thoughts of these silly characters and just started focusing on the dialogue to speed things along. Not to mention if I read about Emily's moist, kiss swollen lips for the fiftieth time I was going to throw the retched thing out the window. (Get my point?)

Lets keep this brief, since I've already ranted.

Our lady savior, Emily, is a wonderfully, absolutely, deeeeeee-lightful young woman with a *mysterious* twinkle in her eye (please try to remember this, but don't worry if you forget you'll be reminded only about fifteen more times), whose family is on the brink of financial ruin. GASP. In debt to no one other than Logan Jennsen (our handsome ruggedly, financially solid hero).

Emily with that *mysterious* twinkle in her eye, finds herself curious after reading a rather randy book about vampires and decides just sporadically to make-out with Logen. From there starts our GREATEST adventure.


The book takes place all in all, in about four (?) possibly five days.

In this time you will experience frights from, but not limited to :

Termial Illness
Financial ruin
Gun shot wounds
and I'll throw this one in here.....love

So please, if you find yourself semi-sensible to the point where if you're told something five times and start to get irritated, take a pass on this book.

I know I want fluff, but I dont want to be WRTTEN TO AS IF I WERE FLUFF.